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Key changes and implications in Belgian tort law

On 1 February 2024, the Belgian Parliament approved a new Book 6 of the Civ…

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Towards a simplification of insurance termination rules

October 2023 marks the advent of a new law intended to simplify the rules o…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Aansprakelijkheid bij talmen van een overheid

In een vonnis van 15 januari 2021 legt de rechtbank van eerste aanleg Antwerpen, afdeling Antwerpen, nog eens de principes uit over de aansprakelijkhe…

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Belgian transitional regime for the UK insurance industry

On 1 January 2021, the Brexit transition period came to an end and the United Kingdom (“UK”) officially left the European Union. The UK can now no lon…

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Financial Services after Brexit: The continuity of legacy insurance contracts

On 1 January 2021, the UK left the EU’s Single Market and Customs Union. As a result, the UK has lost the rights and benefits it had as an EU-Member S…

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Recente cassatierechtspraak inzake de Verzekeringswet 2014: een overzicht

Met de jaarwisseling in het vooruitzicht, blikt het Insurance team Lydian graag terug op enkele interessante arresten die het Hof van Cassatie heeft g…

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Recommendations on outsourcing to cloud service providers by (re)insurance companies

The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) published 15 recommendations for (re)insurance companies that outsource to cloud service providers. These…

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EIOPA outlines approach on product oversight and governance

EIOPA published a paper on its approach to product oversight and governance requirements for insurance distributors and manufacturers

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Het Grondwettelijk Hof bevestigt de toepassing van de (korte) driejarige verjaringstermijn uit het verzekering…

In haar arrest van 22 oktober 2020 heeft het Grondwettelijk Hof geoordeeld dat de toepassing van de driejarige verjaringstermijn (die specifiek geldt …

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Cassatie 7 september 2020: Het verband tussen de bedrieglijke verzwijging door de verzekeringsnemer en de niet…

Het Hof van Cassatie brengt deze beginselen van de nietigheid van de combinatiepolis in herinnering in bovenvermeld arrest. In casu, sloot de ver…

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Covid-19 lockdown: worth a claim under business continuity insurance policies?

Until a few weeks ago, in an effort to combat the COVID -19 pandemic, the vast majority of “non-essential” businesses were required to close in many c…

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Benelux Regulators to Apply EIOPA Guidelines on Outsourcing to Cloud Service Providers by Insurance and Reinsu…

On 24 April 2020, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) issued new guidelines on outsourcing to cloud service providers (…

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Les assurances : piqûre de rappel

Depuis le 1er novembre 2014, la loi du 4 avril 2014 relative aux assurances est entrée en vigueur. Quoiqu’elle n’ait fait, en grande partie,…

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Life insurers required to settle benefits promptly

Based on recommendations of the Insurance Ombudsman – which frequently receives complaints about late payment of life insurance contracts – a recent l…

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Insurance regulatory update: bijwerking van NBB’s Overkoepelende Governance Circulaire

De Nationale Bank van België (“NBB”) publiceerde op 5 mei 2020[1], een tweede bijwerking[2] van haar Circulaire NBB_2016_31 over de prudentiële v…

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Should health and life insurers use the data collected by health-related apps?

With the generalisation of health-related apps, health and life insurers are keen to use the collected data to improve the accuracy of their insureds’…

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Insurance regulatory update: Impact van COVID-19 op verzekeringsregulering en -toezicht

1.    Sinds het begin van de uitbraak van COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) hebben Belgische, Europese en internationale toezichthouders diverse…

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Insurance regulatory update: Impact van COVID-19 op verzekeringstoezicht

Op 17 maart 2020 publiceerde de Europese Autoriteit voor Verzekeringen en Bedrijfspensioenen (“EIOPA”) een mededeling betreffende maatregelen om de im…

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CJEU rules insurers liable for not informing life insurance policy holders of cancellation rights

The European Court of Justice (CJEU) was recently asked to rule on the EU's Solvency II Directive (and all earlier legislations regulating life insura…

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E-zine Insurance: a selection of recent case law of the Belgian Supreme Court regarding the Insurance Act of 2…

With year-end approaching, Lydian's insurance team looks back on some interesting judgments that the Belgian Supreme Court (“Cour de Cassation”) has r…

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Warranty & Indemnity Insurance: an increasingly popular insurance

A warranty & indemnity (W&I) insurance covers damage resulting from breaches of warranties given in the SPA by the seller. W&I insurance h…

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Assurance des prestataires intellectuels de la construction

En date du 1er juillet 2018, la loi du 31 mai 2017 imposant aux entrepreneurs, architectes et autres prestataires du sec…

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