News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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L’avenir numérique s’éclaire

Le 12 juin 2024, les 11.000 avocats flamands, et les 8.300 avocats francophones et germanophones ont uni leur destin numérique dans la société DPA (Digital Platform for Attorneys),…

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Webinar: The Legal Mind Revolution: How the Best Lawyers Think About Rules, Risks, and Ethics

Limine's summer webinar (17/06/2024) is with guest speaker Antoine Henry de Frahan, the author of The Legal Mind Revolution: How the Best Lawyers Think About Rules, Risks, and Ethi…

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Taylor Wessing expands with Corporate / M&A team in Brussels

Taylor Wessing continues its growth with the addition of a new Corporate / M&A team in Brussels. Partner Toon Rummens will join the firm on 1 June 2024, followed by Associate …

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Opening up the Long-Awaited EU Pharmaceutical Package

On April 26, 2023, the European Commission finally published its long-await…

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3 tips om uw organisatie tegen cyberrisico’s te beschermen

Cybercriminaliteit, een complex en actueel onderwerp. Vandaag is het niet l…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Information sur le projet de loi sur la modernisation de la profession d’avocat

L'objectif de cette note est de décrire les lignes de force du projet de loi sur la réforme de la profession d’avocat telle que se présente le texte à…

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Wetsontwerp hervorming advocatuur goedgekeurd

De ministerraad keurde het wetsontwerp van minister van Justitie Van Quickenborne over de modernisering van de advocatuur goed. De krijtlijnen van de …

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Nieuwe deminor NXT brengt alle expertise voor bestuurders, aandeelhouders, investeerders en ondernemers onder …

Deminor NXT is vanaf vandaag de nieuwe naam van Deminor Shareholders & Governance Services. Deze nieuwe naam symboliseert de doorgedreven verzelfs…

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New partner at Four & Five

Four & Five announces that Ahmed Tayane joins the firm as partner per 1 August 2023. With Ahmed’s arrival, Four & Five strengthens its litigat…

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Opnieuw nominatie voor de FT Innovative Lawyers Award voor De Groote - De Man

Advocatenkantoor De Groote - De Man werd voor de tweede keer genomineerd voor de begeerde Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Award, deze keer in de ca…

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FLINN CUP 2023 - Ostend 2 September - Still time to register

We’re excited to welcome sailors and non-sailors, individuals, companies and not least our friends from the practice of law.

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Opening up the Long-Awaited EU Pharmaceutical Package

On April 26, 2023, the European Commission finally published its long-awaited EU Pharmaceutical Package. This Package introduces new draft legislation…

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3 tips om uw organisatie tegen cyberrisico’s te beschermen

Cybercriminaliteit, een complex en actueel onderwerp. Vandaag is het niet langer de vraag of, maar wanneer u het doelwit van een cyberaanval wordt. El…

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Enforcing ESG obligation in supply contracts

Now that companies are facing increasing scrutiny of their ESG practices by regulators, investors, customers, and the public at large, supply chain ma…

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Recruitment perspective: the importance of company culture

It is difficult to attract talent. Candidates are not inclined to change jobs easily. A competitive salary is not the sole driver anymore. Vialegis' e…

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5 common mistakes in contracting with Chinese parties

In practices, we see some common mistakes appear repeatedly in commercial contracts concluded between western parties and Chinese parties. Those mista…

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Hoofddoekenverbod voor personeelsleden van een lokaal bestuur: rechtmatige of ongeoorloofde discriminatie?

Bespreking van het arrest van het Arbeidshof Gent van 12 oktober 2020 inzake de Achbita-zaak.

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Flemish Region: extension of the scope of the commercial lease loan to businesses of the events sector as per …

The Flemish government already announced on 29 May 2020 that they would provide a commercial lease loan (‘handelshuurlening’ / ‘prêt de bail commercia…

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Covid-19 and the passing of notarial deeds – Update of our E-flash of 24 March 2020

In response to the current situation pursuant to Covid-19, the Royal Federation for Belgian Notaries has issued certain guidelines for the Belgian Not…

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Covid-19 and the passing of notarial deeds

In response to the current situation pursuant to Covid-19, the Royal Federation for Belgian Notaries has issued strict guidelines for the Belgian Nota…

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COVID-19: a multi country overview of supportive measures

Throughout the world, countries take a multitude of measures in an effort to limit the economic impact of COVID-19. The PwC network has compiled an&nb…

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New Circular on the overall assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing risks

On 24 January 2018 the National Bank of Belgium (hereafter “NBB”) published its Circular 2018_02 on the overall assessment of money launderi…

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Compliance consists of both prevention and remediation

Compliance has become a key concern not only in the financial sector but in business circles in general.

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The framework of the compliance function is becoming increasingly complex

In recent years, a lot of new regulations have been introduced around the world to combat bribery and corruption in business. Moreover, fines totallin…

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It takes someone special to be a compliance professional

We could hardly pretend that one single approach could help any company sail over its regulatory and compliance challenges. And certainly not in Belgi…

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