EY Law

EY Law consists of more than 60 lawyers in Belgium and offers legal expertise in all aspects of business law. 

Our firm is an independent Belgian law firm which has access to the international EY Law network of legal practices affiliated to EY. The EY Law network currently consists of 2,200 highly experienced lawyers qualified in their respect jurisdictions in 86 jurisdictions across the globe. Through our network, EY Law Belgium has a truly global footprint.

  • Flemish Brabant
  • Antwerp
  • East Flanders
  • Commercial
  • Corporate law
  • Civil Law
  • Tax
  • Public & administrative law
  • Real estate
  • Litigation
  • Banking & Finance
  • Intellectual property
  • Wealth management
  • Data protection & privacy
  • Employee benefits & pensions
  • Technology, Media, Telecommunications
  • European Law
  • Energy law
  • Competition law
  • Employment & Social Security
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Transparantie en publiciteit bij publieke vastgoedtransacties: een nieuw wettelijk kader voor Vlaamse overheid…

Op 1 juni 2024 trad het Vlaams decreet van 8 maart 2024 betreffende het vervreemden van onroerende domeingoederen en het vestigen van zakelijke rechte…

Webshops have to offer at least two delivery methods as of September 2024

From 21 September 2024, webshops delivering goods in Belgium will have to provide at least two delivery methods for the delivery of products to consum…

Contractual exclusion of commissions for commercial agents

Knowing your rights as a commercial agent or a principal (i.e. the person the agent concludes the transaction for) is essential for negotiating a comm…