Tetra Law

Set up in 2012, TetraLaw, law firm specializing in business law, has swiftly developed into an important player based on the following fundamental foundations:

Business : Our clients expect legal services that bring added value to their own business. As an integrated firm, we’re the idela choice to provide pragmatic advice from which the solutions make a direct contribution to our clients’ development.  

Synergy : To achieve this goal, TetraLaw’s various firm members work in close collaboration free from any form of partitioning, which would serve no purpose. The solutions they devise are v-based on expertise in a number of domains, each of which supports and reinforces the others.

Passion :Tetra Law demands a high level of involvement by its members in their subject area and a will to achieve excellence in the practice of their profession, in the service of their clients.  



  • Brussels
  • Commercial
  • Corporate law
  • Tax
  • Litigation
  • Banking & Finance
  • Financial regulatory
  • Criminal
  • Employment & Social Security
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Tetra Law announces promotions

Tetra Law is delighted to announce the promotion of Maxime Besème and Jérôme Noël to Counsel, both within the Tax practice.

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