
contrast is een onafhankelijk advocatenkantoor dat in een internationale omgeving topkwaliteit nastreeft in zijn vier praktijkgebieden:‘Mededingingsrecht & EU’, ‘vennootschapsrecht & M&A, ‘commercieel recht’ en ‘conflict management’. 

We staan in deze praktijkgebieden zowel Belgische ondernemingen als buitenlandse bedrijven bij. 

  • Flemish Brabant
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Safety first! Screening of foreign direct investments in Belgium

Belgium introduced a Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”) screening mechanism based on the EU regulation just under a year ago. The main points of the sc…

Brace yourselves, CSDDD is here!

The European Parliament adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) on 24 April 2024. The directive has had a long and bumpy …

Anyone in for some more legal uncertainty for acquisitions?

Imagine… You happen to be the biggest soft drinks producer around, and you’ve just acquired a company in Germany that makes organic soft drinks. Your …