
Eubelius is Belgium’s largest independent law firm with offices in Brussels, Kortrijk and Antwerp. With 25 partners, 18 (senior) counsels and more than 100 associates, we offer unique expertise and experience in all areas of Belgian and European Business law. A significant proportion of our work is cross-border and we have privileged relationships with outstanding independent law firms in many foreign jurisdictions. Our client base is truly diverse, ranging from Fortune 500 multinationals to local entrepreneurs, a large number of companies with public law status and numerous Belgian companies which are part of large international groups.

In addition, Eubelius attaches great importance to corporate social responsibility. Since 2010 we have been making serious efforts to develop our policy on CSR and we try to involve everyone in the firm, both employees and attorneys, in this process. Focusing on good health and well-being we encourage regular breaks for physical exercise during the working day (yoga sessions at lunchtime, advanced running and gym facilities sponsored by Eubelius). Eubelius cares about the environment and is aware of the environmental impact of its activities. We engage in several activities and initiatives to support our natural environment. In 2022 Eubelius achieved a second star for Ecodynamic Enterprise label.

  • Brussels
  • West Flanders
  • Commercial
  • Corporate law
  • Civil Law
  • Tax
  • Public & administrative law
  • Real estate
  • Litigation
  • Banking & Finance
  • Intellectual property
  • Insurance law
  • Financial regulatory
  • Wealth management
  • Data protection & privacy
  • Employee benefits & pensions
  • Technology, Media, Telecommunications
  • Criminal
  • European Law
  • M&A / Private equity
  • Competition law
  • Transport law
  • Urban planning and Environmental law
  • Employment & Social Security
  • Other
  • Medical law, healthcare & life sciences
  • Insolvency and Restructuring
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Eubelius verwelkomt een nieuwe vennoot en drie nieuwe counsels

Eubelius verwelkomt Thomas Donnez als partner van de associatie. Daarnaast promoveerden Laura Janssens, Michiel Nuitten en Monica Rodriguez tot counse…

New rules for small amounts of aid

On 1 January 2024, the revised general regulation on de minimis aid (the de minimis Regulation) and the regulation on de minimis aid for providers of …

Meta Platforms: GDPR violations by dominant platforms may amount to abuses under competition law

Companies holding a dominant position on their (digital) markets may be sanctioned by (national) competition authorities for infringing… the General D…